Background image: Yoga Art, Ajit Mookerjee
416.765.2141   |

Art and Soul in Panama

Sunday, January 24, 2010 - Sunday, January 31, 2010 12:00 am

Susan Low Beer and  Ana Bodnar

This workshop will be consist of two sections:

  • Part I: Pastel or a medium of your choice (watercolour, pen and ink), 4 days
  • Part II:  Soul Collage. 2 days Participants can join in for the last 2 days only

Section I: Pastel, Watercolours, Pen and Ink

In this workshop we will integrate the development of your creative self and expand your knowledge of  pastel or your  medium of your choice. The workshop will include instruction as well as extensive time for working outdoors, with an emphasis on individual instruction.   Pastels, watercolour and pen and ink, lend themselves beautifully to the rich and colourful landscapes around Finca La Maya. We ask that participants work in pastel or pen and ink and watercolour for the entire workshop.In this section you will:

  • Learn about the material of your choice:  pastel, watercolour and pen and ink
  • Learn techniques for that material
  • Introduction to aspects of colour theory
  • Improve your composition and artistic technique
  • Work will be in various landscapes to provide various artistic experiences

Materials list will be sent upon registration. Suggestions will be given for easy travel.

Part II: SoulCollage

Participants will be introduced to the SoulCollage Process, an imaginative way to create your own archetypal cards for insight and support in your personal journey. Through the Soul Collage process, you will explore aspects of self,  that support and nurtures you, and how you connect with Spirit. SoulCollage has been developed by Seena Frost, Materials  provided.  Please bring any images,  photographs you would like to include. More information provided upon registration.

Finca La Maya is a tropical retreat centre 1 hour from Panama City. Our program will also include 2 outings to the local market, volcanic crater, and other settings. The beach is 15 minutes away and we can go afternoons after the program. Cost is $1500/double for accommodation, food and instruction. For more information on the venue and registration please see

Susan Low-Beer, RCA,  is represented in the collections of the Museum of Civilization in Ottawa, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, the National Museum of Modern Art in Japan, and the Mint Museum of Craft and Design in North Carolina, as well as several other museums in Canada. She has exhibited internationally, in Europe, the United States and in Japan. She continues to do workshops in her studio and has taught at OCAD and the AGO for many years. For more info, see

Dr. Ana Bodnar:  Ana is a clinical psychologist, yoga and meditation teacher, as well as a Consulting Psychologist to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. She offers workshop on mindfulness and psychotherapy as well as expressive arts therapy and Soul Collage for mental health professionals and in the community. She has taught at the University of Toronto, Canadian Naturopathic College, Yoga Studio, Yoga Space and other settings.