Location: Esther Myers Yoga Studio
Sunday, April 28, 2019 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
With Ana Bodnar and Karusia Nirmala Wroblewski
Cost: $60, profits will go to Sri Ram Ashram, an orphanage in India
The Yoga of Sound is based on Nad Yoga, an ancient and powerful meditation practice bringing inner connection and the expansion of the heart and mind. In this experiential workshop, we will explore bhij sounds (the original sounds of creation) and mantras that have different aims and effects. We will also engage in the practice of kirtan, a call and response style that has ancient roots as well as a growing number of contemporary practitioners. We know from neuroscience studies, that music has a powerful and positive effect on our brains and our well-being. The Yoga of sound allows us to experience this for ourselves, to find our own voice and spirit. No previous musical experience is needed.
To register: https://www.estheryoga.com/category/events/workshops-for-everyone/